The Best Wood For Your Wood Burning Stove

Although every owner of a wood burning stove recognises that wood should be dry and seasoned to deliver the best performance, not every owner is aware of the different types of wood available.

The type of wood that you burn will have a big difference on how much heat your stove produces and how fast it will burn.

We’ve put together a list of the best types of wood to use in your stove. They are in no particular order:

Apple: The smell from this type of wood is really quite something. However, it will also burn at a slow rate without spitting or sparking.

Ash: This is recognised as one of the best woods to burn. You can expect a great output of heat, and a steady burn. Although it will burn before it’s seasoned, it will burn better once it has gone through this drying process.

Beech: Another wood that is popular with the wood burning stove crowd. Although it will need a good period of seasoning, it will still burn almost as well as ash.

Cedar: Although you’ll find that this wood will produce relatively small flames, it can be an excellent source of heat.

Hawthorn: A slow burner that produces good heat, hawthorn and its cousin blackthorn are both great firewood options.

Holly: Although you may not have considered it before, or been aware of its possibility as a firewood option, it will burn fast and provide a lower heat output than some other woods on this list.

Pear: Another wood that produces a lovely smell. You’ll get good heat and not much spitting.

Oak: The best oak will have been seasoned over time. You will enjoy slow burning and an excellent level of heat.

Pine: Although this wood will spit a lot, if you’ve got it in your wood burning stove, it should not cause any harm or danger. It burns well and will produce good heat.

What’s your favourite firewood?

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