Archive for the Efficiency Tag

Buying a Log burner or Multi-fuel stove

A wood burning or multi-fuel stove can be a great focal point in your living room, creating a real cosy atmosphere. Here is our guide to buying a log burner or multi-fuel stove. What type of fuel do you want to burn? Wood is a carbon-neutral fuel, as the carbon it gives off is counteracted Continue reading

How to Ensure the Efficiency of Your Wood Stove

How to Ensure the Efficiency of Your Wood Stove The efficiency of a wood burning stove is something that varies from stove to stove, but if you want to get the best from yours, then read on. Efficiency is how much heat you receive in your home compared to how much heat is generated. For Continue reading

Using Thermal Storage Systems In a Wood Burning or Multi-Fuel Stove

With the cost of monthly fuel bills, many people have opted to switch to using either a stove, one that burns wood or multi-fuel in a bid to keep their utility bills down. This is where thermal storage units come into their own. They can capture the heat and retain it so that it can Continue reading

What to Consider When You Buy A New Stove

The wood burning stove has come very popular of late. This is down to the environmental advantages as much as the style and efficient heating method that they offer. Any owner of a stove will find that they soon pay for themselves in savings. However, if you’re considering buying a new stove, you may want Continue reading

What You Need to Know Before You Buy a Wood Burning Stove

Multi-fuel and wood burning stoves are rising in popularity. More people are looking for a way to save on fuel bills whilst being more environmentally friendly. In addition, many stoves are so well designed that they bring an aesthetic centrepiece to the room that is at the core of many happy family memories and good Continue reading

How to Look After Your Stove

Some people say that a wood burning stove can be compared to a pet dog. Before you get one, you need to know that it will need the correct treatment, including feeding and attention just like a dog does. Let’s explore what that attention and feeding of a stove entails: It’s critical that you get Continue reading

Why Use a Chimney Liner?

If you’ve heard the term chimney liner, but you’re not sure what it is or why you might need it, read on. We are going to discover what a chimney liner is and whether you need to use one. What is a chimney liner? Whatever heating appliance you have installed in your home, if it Continue reading

Frequently Asked Questions: Boiler Stoves

If you’ve got a boiler stove and you don’t feel that you’re getting the best from it, you may have the same questions as the ones below that we’ve collected from our clients over the last few months: I Still Have Fuel In My Stove, But It’s Gone Out. Why Is This? In this type Continue reading

Use Free Wood On Your Wood Burning Stove

Wood burning stoves are rising in popularity. They’re known for being excellent producers of heat, being far more environmentally friendly and do not emit the harmful gasses that are damaging our atmosphere. Stoves also look very good. They are stylish and make the ideal accompaniment to the tastefully decorated home. For builders who want to Continue reading